New York Central

Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)

Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)
Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)

Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)   Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)

Here is a rather desirable Marx mechanical black Mercury mechanical WHISTLING engine, pulling a consist of 6 inch tin freightcars. These whistling Mercury's are wonderful, and this one is complete, and as you can see and hear in the short bench test video, the windup engine works and whistles just fine. The original windup key is here and is included. The cars are all 6 inch tin with 4 stamped metal wheels on metal axles, and the punched style of sliding tab and slot couplers. There is a NYC coffin teneder in black with gray stripe and white lettering, a 738701 brown Pennsylvania hopper car with white lettering, a black 19847 Sinclair tankcar with white lettering, and a 20102 NYC red, gray and white caboose with black details.

Fun fact: the whistle pattern you hear with this engine is the universal railroad whistle signal used when approaching a grade crossing! Marx really did put a lot into their toys! Anyway, this set shows signs of playwear and some scratching but is very presentable.

Wouldn't this great Marx set look fantastic on YOUR wall, or running around the layout? Photos show all pieces from all 6 sides, with a yardstick in the shots for size reference, plus that test video.

Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)   Marx New York Central Black Mercury Mechanical Whistling Freight Train (v)